To bask in the glory of greatness is not a chance to be taken lightly. Greatness appears in many forms, and we are reluctant to place our bets until the last moment, unless blind faith is the matter. And what is a dynasty but a franchise basking in greatness? What of the Champion, the leader, the ultimo hombre?
Where is the Champion to turn for greatness when they embody greatness fully. The accolades, the pomp and circumstance, the never-ending love. These are the true trophies of greatness. The random thumbs up through the crowd, the extra care of service once the restaurant staff finds out that “you’re that guy”, the general air of superiority; you earned it all.
Now keep earning it. Keep finding a way to win. Keep gaming. Get your ass up in the morning and do not stop until the day is yours in the night of victory. Glory in all its forms. Do not hold back when the time to strike is always at hand. You have paved a new road, you have proven the prognosticators putrid in the prescience, you have had your parade; now get back to work.
Work like a bastard, like a fiend, like the insatiable champion we know you as. Grab glory by the balls and do not let it escape. Sure, joy. Yes, pain. Struggle, inevitable. But money, fame, celebrity; all pale in the eternal light of glory.